National Whale Museum

MUNBA is home to the largest collection of cetaceans in Mexico and Latin America, including several species of whales and dolphins.

Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the biology, behavior, ecology and conservation of these animals through interactive exhibits and prepared specimens.

The museum's architecture seeks a balance between the use of recycled materials and the creation of a space for contemplation.

The building has been constructed using recycled materials and promoting a culture of sustainability. In addition, the museum stands as a place of reflection and contemplation, where visitors can enjoy the exhibits and reflect on the importance of the protection and conservation of cetaceans and the ocean.

National Whale Museum

MUNBA is a space that houses the largest collection of cetaceans in Mexico and Latin America.

America, including a variety of whale and Dolphin species. Visitors have the opportunity to learn about the biology, behavior, ecology, and conservation of these animals through interactive exhibits and prepared specimens. The museum's architecture seeks a balance between recycled materials and a space for contemplation.

The building has been constructed using recycled materials and promotes a culture of sustainability. At the same time, the museum serves as a space for contemplation and reflection, where visitors can enjoy the exhibitions and reflect on the importance of the protection and conservation of cetaceans and the ocean.

Exhibition rooms

  • Reception
  • Reception
  • Gallery 1 - Welcome to MUNBA
  • Room 1 - Welcome to MUNBA
  • Gallery 2 - Origin and evolution of cetaceans
  • Room 2 - Origin and evolution of cetaceans
  • Gallery 3 - Social evolution | Odontocetes
  • Room 3 - Social evolution : Odontocetes
  • Gallery 4 - Biology and anatomy | Odontocetes
  • Room 4 - Biology and anatomy : Odontocetes
  • Gallery 5 - Ecology | Odontocetes
  • Room 5 - Ecology : Odontocetes
  • Gallery 6 - Gray whale | Mysticetes
  • Room 6 - Gray whale : Mysticetes
  • Gallery 7 - Humpback whale : Mysticetes
  • Room 7 - Humpback whale : Mysticetes
  • Gallery 8 - Kids lab
  • Room 8 - Laboratory for children
  • Gallery 9 - The future of cetaceans
  • Room 9 - The future of cetaceans

Science and education for conservation

The National Whale Museum (MUNBA) stands as an outstanding center of reference in Mexico for conservation, research and actions aimed at the protection of whales in Mexican waters. Beyond being a place of admiration and learning, the MUNBA plays a fundamental role in the conservation of these majestic creatures and their habitat.

The museum's primary mission is to educate for the conservation of cetaceans and the promotion of ocean sustainability. Through cutting-edge research programs, MUNBA contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the biology, behavior and ecology of these marine animals.

This research allows the implementation of more effective strategies for their protection and conservation.

MUNBA also engages in direct action for the protection of whales, working closely with governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the local community. It participates in rescue efforts for stranded and entangled whales, awareness campaigns on the importance of marine conservation and the promotion of more effective conservation policies.

Science and education for conservation

The National Whale Museum (MUNBA) stands as a prominent center of reference in Mexico for the conservation, research, and actions aimed at the protection of whales in Mexican waters. Beyond being a place of admiration and learning, MUNBA plays a crucial role in the conservation of these majestic creatures and their habitat.

The museum's primary mission is the conservation of cetaceans and the promotion of ocean sustainability. Through cutting-edge research programs, MUNBA contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the biology, behavior, and ecology of these marine animals. These investigations enable the implementation of more effective strategies for their protection and conservation.

MUNBA is also dedicated to direct action in the protection of whales, working closely with governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the local community. It actively participates in the rescue of stranded whales, awareness campaigns regarding the importance of marine conservation, and the promotion of more effective conservation policies.

In short, the National Whale Museum is much more than an exhibition venue; it is a beacon of hope for the conservation of whales and marine ecosystems in Mexico. Through its commitment to conservation, research and action, this museum leads the way in protecting these giants of the ocean and their natural habitat, while fostering a culture of sustainability and appreciation for marine life.

In summary, the National Whale Museum is much more than an exhibition place; it is a beacon of hope for the conservation of whales and marine ecosystems in Mexico. Through its commitment to conservation, research, and action, this museum leads the way in the protection of these ocean giants and their natural habitat while promoting a culture of sustainability and appreciation for marine life.